Sunday, 5 June 2011

Zulu Zombie Puppet Body

I started to fixing my body together and made shore I had the right movement I wanted, and I had figured out how to tackle the movement, from doing the legs the week before and I wanted a nice back bone movement but not so his all floppy so I attached the fabric to stiffen it up slightly, I also placed a piece of string running through the middle of the body to help keep the structure.  I then went about attaching the hands to the body, I did this by attaching small metal hoops to the ends of the hands and the body I did this by super soply and reinforcing it with fabric. I also padded out the legs with wodding ready for doing the costume.

I went off and researched simple trouser patterns, from this pattern I adapted it to what I needed and set about making my tiny pair of trousers. I draw out the pattern with chalk onto the fabric and cut it out and sowed up the edges following the guide I have found. The trousers where a little big for the puppe,  I bought them in to fit the poppet and sowed it in place, it was a happy coincidence that where I so don’t it look like a little fly.

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