Monday, 28 March 2011

Ice Cube And Glass Cube

We spent the morning with Jeff witch I sadly missed last Monday, he set us the challenge of making a 25mm cube like of ice and another look like glass, so would see the different between the two. We did some research in to how the industry would do it, the research showed that for the glass they would use sugar glass and for the ice cubes craft beads. I decide to us resin in a mould we started off doing a vac form mould but the seal went on the vac former so we used super scolpe and pushed the cubes made out of wood in them, for the glass we use clear resin and for the ice cube we added more catalyst in to make it slightly cloudy and some strips of fibre glass to give it a sort of cracked look, we will open them tomorrow and see how they look.

Monday, 14 March 2011

steel filing cabernet look like walnut wood

We spent the morning with Jeff like we did last Monday, he set us the challenge of making a steel filing cabernet look like walnut wood, we did this by first cleaning the cabernet then filling the wholes and the joints to make it all smooth and to eliminate the metal look. We then added a coat of paint then a coat of wood stain then dragged a dry brush over.    

sheet metal look like bamboo

We spent the morning with Jeff like we did last Monday, he set us the challenge of making a bit of sheet metal look like bark. I chose to do something a bit different from everyone else, I chose to do bamboo, I did this by finding some pipeing and cutting it on the plastic ban saw in the different sizes then cut in half to give a straight edge, to make the iconic raised parts to bamboo I used hot glue gun. I then painted it I still need to do the final detailing.